Get in touch

You have questions, need help or have found a mistake?
Then do not hesitate to contact us.

Send us a message

It is best to write to us directly to the following e-mail address. And if you have a user account on our site, please always include your user name.


Contact form

Alternatively you can also use our contact form. However, since your e-mail provider does not know that you have contacted us, it can happen more quickly that you do not receive our reply.

Important notes

No binding support

Our free offer does not include any binding customer support. We do not, therefore, give any guarantee as to whether and when your e-mails will be answered personally. However, we would be pleased if you would inform us about technical errors and give us your suggestions for improvement.

Look into your spam folder

When we reply, your e-mail provider may handle our e-mail as an unwanted message and move it to a designated folder (spam, advertising, unwanted). Please check in all folders, if we have already answered you.

Get in touch